Conditions Of Entry

No refund or exchange on any ticket except as set out in condition 2.
If a race meeting is cancelled or rescheduled prior to commencement of the meeting, ticket holders may:
return the tickets to the MRC within 30 days of the cancelled meeting to obtain a refund of the price paid for the tickets (excluding any booking charges).
MRC reserves the right to cancel, reschedule and/or vary advertised race meetings and races at any time.
Tickets may not be resold or offered for resale at a premium (including via on-line auction sites) or, without the written permission of MRC, used for commercial, advertising or promotional purposes in connection with other goods or services. Breach of this condition may result in cancellation of the ticket and refusal of entry to the ticket holder.
By purchasing tickets to attend a race meeting at MRC you are deemed to have accepted the following terms and conditions of entry. Please note that additional restrictions apply to entry into the mounting yard, and entry to that area will not be granted unless patrons agree to those restrictions at the time of entry.
Visitors enter the racecourse at their own risk. MRC accepts no responsibility for injury to any person (including injury resulting in death), or damage to or loss of property of any visitor occurring on or about the racecourse.
MRC reserves the right to refuse entry to, or remove from, the racecourse any person who, in the opinion of any MRC representative, is:
behaving, or is in a group of persons behaving, in a manner which is causing or is likely to cause disruption, nuisance or offence to other patrons, harm to persons or horses, or damage to property;
dressed inappropriately; or
fails to comply with any of these conditions of entry to the racecourse.
Persons who are or appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs upon arrival at the racecourse will be refused entry.
The following are not permitted to be brought onto the racecourse (Bag searches may be undertaken to ensure compliance with this condition):
alcohol or illegal substances;
knives, firearms or other items that could potentially be used as a weapon; or
flares, fireworks, plastic horns, musical instruments, whistles, glass and other items which may have the potential to cause alarm and/or harm to animals or other patrons;
any other item deemed by any MRC representative to have the potential to disrupt the orderly conduct of the race meeting and/or cause a breach of the MRC’s duty of care to all persons entering the racecourse
Patrons may not bring animals onto the racecourse (other than a companion animal in the company of a sight- or hearing-impaired person).
Patrons are not permitted to trespass onto the racetrack at any time and will be prosecuted if they do so
Patrons may be requested to provide proof of identity and/or age at any time.
Liquor Act 2007
This venue has the right to refuse entry to any person, or to withdraw any person’s permission to remain on the premises at any time.
Under the Liquor Act 2007 alcohol must not be removed from the racecourse.
It is an offence to sell or supply to or obtain liquor on behalf of persons under the age of 18.
For the purpose of the definition of responsible adult, in relation to a minor, belongs to one or more of the following classes of persons is, in relation to the minor, a responsible adult for the purposes of the Liquor Act 2007:
a parent, step-parent or guardian of the minor,
the minor’s spouse or any person who, although not legally married to the minor, ordinarily lives with the minor as the minor’s spouse on a permanent and domestic basis,
and is 25 years or older.
- Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted entry to the racecourse unless accompanied by a responsible adult, and must remain within the immediate vicinity of the adult at all times. The adult is responsible for the care, conduct and supervision of the young person, and for any acts or omissions of that young person.
Car parks and personal possessions
Entry into and the parking and leaving of vehicles in the car parks at the racecourse is at the risk of the driver/rider and passengers.
Whilst at the racecourse patrons are responsible for their own property. Patrons must not leave bags or possessions unattended at any time and should ensure all valuables are removed from vehicles.
Gambling and Wagering
Patrons under the age of 18 are not permitted to gamble and if caught will be prosecuted.
Racing NSW
Patrons attending racecourses in NSW are subject to the Australian Rules of Racing (including the NSW local rules of racing) administered by Racing NSW.
Photography, films and recordings
By attending a race meeting each patron acknowledges that he/she may be photographed, filmed and/or recorded in any way and:
consents to being photographed, filmed and/or recorded by or on behalf of MRC for MRC’s advertising and promotional purposes (including, without limitation for promotion of MRC race days); and
if the patron is an owner of any horse present at the racecourse or whose image is displayed at the racecourse, consents to their horse/s being photographed, filmed and/or recorded by or on behalf of MRC and for the MRC to use and reproduce such photographs, films and recordings (including the colours worn by the relevant jockeys) for MRC’s advertising and promotional purposes;
assigns any and all intellectual property rights they may have in any such photographs, films and recordings to MRC, and agrees that the MRC and its successors and assigns will own all right, title and interest in such photographs, films and recordings and may exercise all intellectual property rights existing in or in relation to any such photographs, films and recordings throughout the world in perpetuity, free from any liens, claims, encumbrances or right of termination by the patron or anyone else; and
waives absolutely and irrevocably any moral rights they may have in or in relation to any of the photographs, films and recordings referred to in this condition.
Patrons must not, unless authorised by MRC in writing and, if authorised, only on conditions determined by MRC, take any photographs or make any films, video, digital or sound recordings (including by way of any hand held communications device) within the racecourse for commercial purposes. No sale or distribution of goods or material
Patrons must not:
attempt to sell or distribute any goods or advertising, promotional or political materials or similar to persons attending the racecourse; or
conduct any advertising, promotional or political campaign or activity or commercial marketing (including with others) anywhere at the racecourse, without the written consent of MRC.
Breach of Conditions of Entry
- If you breach any of the above conditions, or MRC (with reasonable cause) so directs, you may, without limitation:
be reported to an appropriate law enforcement body.
have your ticket confiscated or cancelled; and/or
be required to surrender articles in your possession;
be evicted from the racecourse;
be refused entry to the racecourse;
Patrons must adhere strictly to MRC’s directions and signage prohibiting smoking in all smoke free areas of the racecourse as required by the Smoke Free Environment Act 2000 (NSW) (Act). It is an offence under the Act to smoke in an area designated by the Act as a “smoke free area”.