2023 Two Rivers Wines Muswellbrook Gold Cup
February 21, 2023
Charity Golf Day
March 11, 2023Racing NSW Racecourse Curator / Track Manager and Maintenance Traineeship – Cert III
Racing NSW has approved a Cert III Racecourse Curator / Track Manager and Maintenance 2-year Traineeship.
The new round of recruitment follows the previous successful program, providing the future workforce for our Industry. The initial program has realised 10 graduates now currently employed as Track Manager (7) or Assistant Track Manager (3) at a raceclub in NSW.
The 2023 program: NSW Country and Provincial Race Clubs
Racing NSW will initially advertise and with your assistance recruit 16 Traineeship positions at the following Country and Provincial Race Clubs.
Country Race Clubs
Country Race Clubs |
Albury Racing Club |
Clarence River Jockey Club Grafton |
Coffs Harbour Racing Club |
Dubbo Turf Club |
Goulburn & District Racing Club |
Muswellbrook Race Club |
Port Macquarie Race Club |
Scone Race Club |
Tamworth Jockey Club |
Manning Valley Race Club Taree |
Murrumbidgee Turf Club Wagga Wagga |
Provincial Race Clubs
Provincial Race Clubs |
Gosford Race Club |
Hawkesbury Race Club |
Illawarra Turf Club Kembla Grange |
Newcastle Jockey Club |
Wyong Race Club |
Traineeship Employment
Racing NSW will employ a Racecourse Curator / Track Manager and Maintenance Cert III Trainee, who will be placed at the Country or Provincial Club to carry out his or her Traineeship. Racing NSW is currently preparing an agreement for the Country and Provincial Race Clubs that establishes the terms and conditions of the placement for the duration of the 2-year Traineeship. The following is for your information and mirrors the previous arrangement in the last recruitment and employment process.
The agreement will require Country and Provincial Clubs to agree that following the placement of the Trainee that the Club will not reduce the working hours of any person employed by the Club who performs duties which are the same as, or similar to, those performed by the Trainee, or make redundant any position at the Club which has duties that are the same as, or similar to those performed by the Trainee.
The Club will ensure that the Trainee receives appropriate tasks to fulfil the training requirements and the Traineeship. Racing NSW Racecourse Maintenance Manager will oversee the program, and work with the Clubs in the supervision and training of the recruits.
As with the previous scheme, the cost share arrangement sees the Country Clubs will be responsible for the cost of:
(i) All payments in respect of the Trainees employment that are in excess of the Traineeship ordinary time wages and compulsory superannuation guarantee contributions (if any) including but not limited to overtime and meal allowance under the Award.
Racing NSW Payroll will make payment to the Trainees entitlements as part of the payroll cycle. Racing NSW Country will maintain a schedule of overtime and appropriately charge the Clubs Stakes Account at a scheduled time that reimburses Racing NSW for the Clubs contribution.
Racing NSW Country Michael Buckley 02 9551 7522 is responsible for setting and monitoring the wages from the Award and managing timesheets, allowances and overtime etc. Please don’t hesitate to contact Michael with any wage or costs specific questions.
Cert III Traineeship Qualification
The Cert III Track Management and Maintenance Traineeship has been determined as more suitable to the Industry requirements, progressing the Trainees more quickly and delivered under the Racing NSW RTO. Following the completion of the Traineeship, if desired but not necessary, any interested Club and/or Trainee could apply for recognised prior learning (RPL) and complete the expanded Sports Turf Qualification. However, we emphasise this is not deemed a requirement, as other existing NSW Track Managers have completed their Cert III level and successfully operate now as Racecourse Managers or Assistants.
Further details will be provided in relation to the required training and assessments as part of the Traineeship.
Cert III Traineeship – Advertising the Position
The Cert III Traineeship job description and advertisement is attached to this email.
Best outcome will be achieved by advertising the Traineeship across all local and State-wide media and social platforms.
Racing NSW will advertise the Traineeship via the website, Racing Jobs, Skillsroad Jobs Board and other Industry and Employment Hubs.
To support the process Racing NSW expect there will be benefit in Provincial and Country Race Clubs advertising the role through all available local media channels and the Clubs social media platforms.
There is also merit in Club Executives liaising with local Schools where an opportunity may be identified with existing students or those from the previous year.
Racing NSW has now started the advertising campaign with applications for the Traineeship closing at 5.00pm Friday 17 March 2023. Can Clubs please now also progress with an advertising program as suggested above.
Cert III Traineeship – Interview Panel
The applicants will forward to Dave Hodgson a covering letter and resume for review and short listing.
Dave will liaise with the Clubs following this to establish timing of interviews.
The interview panel will most likely include Dave Hodgson, Racing NSW Country Michael Buckley and a representative(s) of the Club.
The recruitment process will consider the applications and any related parties or conflicts of interest and it is expected that any Trainee will not be associated or any employment will not be a conflict of interest with the Club, the Board and or the Executives and staff of the Club.