Covid-19 Race Day Information
Muswellbroook Race Club is committed to helping control the spread of Covid-19

Managing Covid-19
All persons attending Muswellbrook Race Club are encouraged to download and have operational the COVIDSafe App, including having their Bluetooth settings turned on whilst attending. To assist with your entry requirements to our race club, we encourage you to download the NSW Services App onto your smart phone prior to coming to our venue so you can register your attendance on arrival.
View the latest Racing NSW Protocols for industry participants here.
All persons attending Muswellbrook Race Club are encouraged to download and have operational the COVIDSafe App, including having their Bluetooth settings turned on whilst attending. To assist with your entry requirements to our race club, we encourage you to download the NSW Services App onto your smart phone prior to coming to our venue so you can register your attendance on arrival.
View the latest Racing NSW Protocols for industry participants here.
View the latest Government info to determine if you are a close or casual contact to COVID-19 in the link below.
View the latest information from NSW Health Here
In addition, the following local rules apply at Muswellbrook Race Club. (Updated 14 October 2021)
1. Access to the racecourse for Owners, Members & Patrons for Double Vaccinated persons only. Entery is via the Public Entrance only (Sheppard Ave). Trainers, Strappers and their horses must also use the Float/Public Entrance (Sheppard Ave) and park in the designated Horse Truck/Float Areas. Race Day Jockeys and Officials are to use the Member’s (Racecourse Road Western) Entrance.
2. Owners, Members and Patrons are allowed to attend race days under the conditions that:
a) They have proof of double vaccination status.
b) Do not enter the tie-up stalls, mounting yard and other areas identified for essential race day staff and officials only.
c) Remain in the allocated area for Members, Owners and Patrons and not enter restricted areas as determined by signage and barricading
d) ALL Staff, Essential Personnel are required to wear a N95 face mask AT ALL TIMES whilst on the premises (except when eating or drinking). Please bring your mask with you. Please Note: N95 masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Delta strain and accordingly persons are requested to use this type of mask. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn. Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.
e) Check-in at the front gate / ticket box and with QR Code using the NSW Services App QR Code registration and Vaccination Proof.
f) You currently do not reside in any area hotspots as identified by NSW Health including the Greater Sydney area.
g) Maintain social distancing of 1.5m
3. TAB and Bookie facilities will be available for use with social distancing to be observed.
4. Our Public Cafe has resumed operations for patrons. You must remain seated when eating of drinking.
5. You may be subjected to temperature checking upon arrival.
6. All indoor venues have maximum capacities which need to be adhered to.
To stop the spread of Covid-19:
• Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
• Maintain at least 1.5 metre distance between yourself and any other person who is not a member of your household.
• Practice respiratory hygiene - Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and as soon as possible, thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water and avoid touching any surfaces until you have done so.
• Avoiding close contact with others, such as touching
• Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth - Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.
• If you have any of the following symptoms; fever (high temperature), cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical care early - Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. You should isolate yourself and immediately seek medical advice by calling Coronavirus Health Information Line 1800 020 080 or your medical practitioner.
View the latest information from NSW Health Here
In addition, the following local rules apply at Muswellbrook Race Club. (Updated 14 October 2021)
1. Access to the racecourse for Owners, Members & Patrons for Double Vaccinated persons only. Entery is via the Public Entrance only (Sheppard Ave). Trainers, Strappers and their horses must also use the Float/Public Entrance (Sheppard Ave) and park in the designated Horse Truck/Float Areas. Race Day Jockeys and Officials are to use the Member’s (Racecourse Road Western) Entrance.
2. Owners, Members and Patrons are allowed to attend race days under the conditions that:
a) They have proof of double vaccination status.
b) Do not enter the tie-up stalls, mounting yard and other areas identified for essential race day staff and officials only.
c) Remain in the allocated area for Members, Owners and Patrons and not enter restricted areas as determined by signage and barricading
d) ALL Staff, Essential Personnel are required to wear a N95 face mask AT ALL TIMES whilst on the premises (except when eating or drinking). Please bring your mask with you. Please Note: N95 masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Delta strain and accordingly persons are requested to use this type of mask. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn. Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.
e) Check-in at the front gate / ticket box and with QR Code using the NSW Services App QR Code registration and Vaccination Proof.
f) You currently do not reside in any area hotspots as identified by NSW Health including the Greater Sydney area.
g) Maintain social distancing of 1.5m
3. TAB and Bookie facilities will be available for use with social distancing to be observed.
4. Our Public Cafe has resumed operations for patrons. You must remain seated when eating of drinking.
5. You may be subjected to temperature checking upon arrival.
6. All indoor venues have maximum capacities which need to be adhered to.
To stop the spread of Covid-19:
• Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
• Maintain at least 1.5 metre distance between yourself and any other person who is not a member of your household.
• Practice respiratory hygiene - Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and as soon as possible, thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water and avoid touching any surfaces until you have done so.
• Avoiding close contact with others, such as touching
• Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth - Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.
• If you have any of the following symptoms; fever (high temperature), cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical care early - Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. You should isolate yourself and immediately seek medical advice by calling Coronavirus Health Information Line 1800 020 080 or your medical practitioner.